Charities of Choice
Little Light Christian School

In 2009 Little Light Ministries incorporated to help meet the growing needs of incarcerated women in Oklahoma. They began mentoring women in prison and raising awareness of women’s incarceration issues. As Little Light realized the alarming statistics of children with incarcerated parents, our major focus became helping children with incarcerated parents. This gave birth to Little Light Christian School which opened its doors in September of 2012.
Little Light Christian School is a tuition free private Christian school for children who have a parent who is now in jail or prison, or has a history of this. They are supported by donations from the private and business community and grants from foundations.
For More information, visit their website. Click here
Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Foundation

The priority of JJOA Inc. is improving the lives of African American children. We are concerned about making a difference in the areas that can significantly shift their outcomes in life. We are committed to supporting services, programs and organizations that focus on impacting root causes of social problems affecting African American children and families.
Our investments will improve outcomes for core issues in the following Philanthropic Focus Areas and work to improve key issues affecting African American children and families.
As of 2013, 67% of African American children raised in single parent homes, compared to 25% of whites and 42% of Hispanics. And, 36% of African American children (aged 0-17) live in food-insecure households compared with 15% white and 29% Hispanic.
The 47% national graduation rate for African American males is nearly 28% lower than for white males. Most schools with black majority enrollments do not have libraries, an adequate supply of textbooks and computers, art and music programs and science labs. There are also race gaps in the quality of experience in early education which is the foundation for school success.
Health disparities between African Americans and other racial and ethnic populations are striking and apparent in life expectancy, death rates, infant mortality, and other measures of health status and risk conditions and behaviors.
For More Information visit their website: Click Here