Essay Contest
The contest is open to 4th- 6th grade and middle school students.
Participants must be 9-13 years of age on February 5, 2018.
2 Grand prizes will be given:
Category 1 : 4th- 5th grade
Category 2: Middle School ( 6th- 8th grade)
Winners will receive :
VIP admission to Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Black Panther Expo, Private Screening and Food Package. Additional complimentary ticket will be provided for 1 parent /guardian.
Featured during Expo Event
$50 monetary Prize
Featured on OKC Jack and Jill Website
“The Future of Peace”... If you were the ruler of Wakanda, what would you do to achieve peace and equality for all?
• Essays must be no longer than 500 words in length, submitted in English, neatly hand or type-written in black ink and double-spaced.
• Each essay must be submitted with a completed entry form. Essays submitted without completed entry forms will be automatically disqualified.
• Only one entry per student per year, and each entry must be the work of only one student.
• Essay entries cannot have already been published.
• Any essays found to be plagiarized will be automatically disqualified and the student will be prohibited from entering any future JJOA competitions.
February 1 Uploaded and submitted on Website
February 7 Grand prize winner will be notified on or before this date.
Congratulations to our Winners!

Skylar Bowie
Age: 14