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Essay Contest


The contest is open to 4th- 6th grade and middle school students.
Participants must be 9-13 years of age on February 5, 2018.

2 Grand prizes will be given:

Category 1 : 4th- 5th grade 

Category 2: Middle School ( 6th- 8th grade) 


Winners will receive :

  • VIP admission to Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Black Panther Expo, Private Screening and Food Package.  Additional complimentary ticket will be provided for 1  parent /guardian. 

  • Featured during Expo Event 

  • $50 monetary Prize

  • Featured on OKC Jack and Jill Website 


 “The Future of Peace”... If you were the ruler of Wakanda, what would you do to achieve peace and equality for all? 

• Essays must be no longer than 500 words in length, submitted in English, neatly hand or type-written in black ink and double-spaced.

• Each essay must be submitted with a completed entry form. Essays submitted without completed entry forms will be automatically disqualified.

• Only one entry per student per year, and each entry must be the work of only one student.

• Essay entries cannot have already been published.

• Any essays found to be plagiarized will be automatically disqualified and the student will be prohibited from entering any future JJOA competitions.

February 1 Uploaded and submitted on Website

February 7  Grand prize winner will be notified on or before this date.

Congratulations to our Winners!

Skylar Bowie 

Age: 14

Eyiloluwafe Adedeji

Age: 9

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